20 February 2013 - 20 February 2013 News
Saturday, March 16th in Livigno the Giant Slalom in support of the Foundation named after the rider from Romagna that is about to make his first humanitarian project in Italy. A whole day on the ski trakcs from the morning: the race will take place on the Monte Sponda track (9.45 the adults start, followed by under 16), in collaboration with the Mottolino Fun Mountain and the Ski School Centrale Livigno. Like was Marco's personality, in the program is also a good dose of fun and entertainment with the Spritz party which will take place at the refuge "Camanel di Planon",one of his obbligatory stops the cost of the inscription is 30 euros for adults and 20 euros for children under 16. Also those who don't participate to the competition are welcome, to do a little '"mess" all together in tribute to Sic. All funds raised from the inscriptions and during the day will be donated to the Foundation, which will use it for the renovation of a former hotel in St. Andrea in Besanigo (Coriano) that will be used as a territorial daytime center for disabled, the first project in Italy of the romagna Onlus. THE REGISTRATIONS SHOULD BRING NAME, LAST NAME, DATE OF BIRTH AND CAN BE MAKE BY FAX OR E-MAIL NO LATER THAN WEDNESDAY 'March 13th FAX: 0341-979919 MAIL: chiara.airoldi @ cascinatroteblu.com alicec.referente @ marcosimoncellifondazione.it